Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I've been saying this to myself all day, "Calm down, Victoria. It's not that serious." The thing is I'm only human and, from time to time, I can actually get really disappointed when someone let's me down. I usually don't let anyone push my buttons, but today I have struggled. I'm telling you about this so that we can "hash it out." I don't always have all the answers and I'm willing to listen to the opinion of others. Right now, I don't mind telling you that my feelings are a little hurt. Usually, I do all that I can to encourage a child's independence, but there is a difference between "spreading your intellectual wings" and just being a pain in the behind. I don't usually confuse one with the other but today, I'm not seeing the difference. The Situation: I have two young ladies who are attending my truancy class; however, they have both decided that the kindness I have shown them this past three weeks is a sign of weakness. This could not be further from the truth. I am not a stranger to hard times and just felt that the girls needed a break from the hand life dealt them. However, today I found out that these precious little babies have been taking home sodas, chips, candy and other goodies we have for our campers. We have toilet paper and paper towels missing as well. It was their opinion that we had more than we needed. All I can say is, "Break time is over." Proposed Punishment: I will not kick them out of the program. How is that going to redirect their behavior? However, they will not have the relaxed privileges around the office that they previously enjoyed. I will also require them to write a 500 word paper (they can do it) on the effects of their actions on the other campers and what they think their punishment should be. I hesitate to have them get up in front of the group and admit what they did because maybe there is not enough food, toilet paper or paper towels at home. I also hesitate to talk to the parents because, knowing the parents as I do, that will only cause more problems at home. The thing is, I will take my time and let them stew about it just a little bit. I'm drained. Let me know what you think.

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